Guided Meditation for CCNM-Boucher Campus Students

During seasons of life marked by change and uncertainty, it is normal to feel stress or fear.  This fear response is our body’s way of mobilizing us to protect ourselves or those we love from potential threats. Think of a time when you have jumped out of the way from a moving vehicle or responded to a foreign noise; fear is our body’s way of reacting to some kind of threat in our environment.  Stress, like fear, is a good thing. It helps our body stay alert, safe and aware. However, both stress and fear can become a problem when they hang around too long in our system or when we are constantly in an environment that is more stressful than helpful.  When fear takes over, it is hard to do basic things in life such as think, rest, connect, play, or just generally engage with our life.

In this space we want to provide you with MEDITATION resources that can help you connect to the present moment, ground and relax your active nervous systems, and help you feel more empowered and connected during stressful seasons.

If you are struggling to manage your fear or stress, consider:

  • seeking support from your family physician, 

  • calling a local crisis line,

  • or booking an appointment with the CCNM-Boucher Campus counselling center.


A guided meditation to help you let go and release tension at the end of your day.

Peaceful Place

A guided meditation that eases anxiety and promotes a sense of comfort, confidence, safety and security.